DEADLINE: February 21, 2021 ABOUT The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is the continent’s premier research institution and think tank, exploring questions of population health and wellbeing. Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, and with a West Africa Regional Office (WARO) in Dakar, Senegal, the Center seeks to drive change with evidence, led by a growing cadre of research leaders from across sub-Saharan Africa. Over the last 20 years, our reputation has become synonymous with research rigor, research leadership, and evidence-driven influence. We believe that robust evidence generated by African researchers will drive the continent’s policy agenda to solve some of the most critical development challenges of our time.
We deliver our programmatic work through three Divisions: Research, Policy Engagement and Communications, and Research Capacity Strengthening. We lead and conduct research to provide evidence on population, health, and wellbeing challenges facing sub-Saharan Africa. We have invested heavily in strengthening research capacity through training, supervision, and mentorship and developed innovative ways to engage key policy actors, including in government, to champion evidence-based policy formulation and implementation. A fully-fledged Operations Division supports our programmatic work.
The Center’s current Strategic Plan (2017-2021) is soon coming to an end. A new plan therefore needs to be developed for approval by the Board in November 2021 to become operational in January 2022. APHRC requires an experienced and competent consultant or consulting firm to lead a facilitated and consultative process to develop the new Strategic Plan for the period 2022-2026.
OBJECTIVES The objective of this consultancy is to propose a suitable and sequential design process and facilitate a strategic planning process that is inclusive, iterative and solicits and integrates input from key stakeholders.
SPECIFIC TASKS AND DELIVERABLES will include: 1. Design a process for developing the strategic plan. 2. Facilitate planned retreats/virtual meetings with key stakeholders including all staff, senior management and Board members. 3. Document and synthesize the retreat and meeting outcomes. 4. Propose a suitable overarching framework for the Strategic Plan. 5. Produce a draft Strategic Plan and supportive documents capturing key elements for the subsequent operational plan, resource mobilization strategy and organizational management structure. 6. Make up to three presentations to the Board and senior management.
TIMEFRAME The contract will commence the last week of February 2021 and conclude by November 30 2021.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF APHRC 1. Provide relevant background documents. 2. Liaise and assist in communicating with and mobilizing key stakeholders. 3. Handle all logistical arrangements for retreats/ virtual meetings.
QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE A consultant or consulting firm experienced in the design, facilitation and documentation of strategic plans will be hired for this assignment. The successful applicant will have at least ten years’ professional experience in strategic planning and organizational development. The consultant/consulting firm must be available to do the work between February and November 2021.
Interested consultants (individuals/firms/institutions) should submit a proposal including 1) cover letter explaining their eligibility for the assignment and interpretation of the tasks; 2) details of the methodological approach, its suitability and any underlying organizational development frameworks; 3) CV of the individual consultant or CVs of members of the consulting team; 4) work profile including reverse chronological list of similar projects/assignments and contact details (name, email/phone) of supervisors/clients; and 5) a financial proposition with the expected remuneration.
HOW TO APPLY The proposal should be submitted to copying The deadline for submission of proposals is February 21, 2021. For further information on APHRC, visit the APHRC website